About us
From Wikipedia:
A hackerspace (also referred to as a hacklab, makerspace, or hackspace) is a community-operated workspace where people with common interests, often in computers, technology, science, digital art or electronic art, can meet, socialise and/or collaborate.
Hobart Hackerspace Inc. was founded in 2012 after a successful crowd funding campaign which was designed to not only raise money, but to also gauge the interest in opening a dedicated community workshop dedicated to technology and art. After many months of searching, a license was signed with the Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services to utilise one of the heritage guardhouses at 2 St Johns Ave, New Town.
Visitors are welcome on Thursday nights from 7pm, however, you will be asked to join after a few visits as we rely on membership fees for a significant portion of our funding.
The Hobart Hackerspace is a registered Tasmanian not-for-profit association (Reg no IA12014).
Our activities are governed by our Articles of Association (Constitution). We are fundamentally a loose co-operative group, but for ethical and financial responsibility we are an incorporated association and we have a Committee to make formal decisions.
Committee 2024/25
Position | Person |
President | Jason Hammond |
Vice-president | Tom Harris |
Secretary | Glen Bertram |
Treasurer | Brian Marriott |
Public Officer | Brian Marriott |
Committee members | Tiffany Ashdown |
David Craig | |
Leo Febey | |
Chris Keen |
For more information, please contact us with the contact form on this site.